Saturday, November 30, 2013

Three Years Old Sarah Palin Jokes? You Betcha!

1- Sarah Palin thinks the HBO miniseries "Band of Brothers" was about the Jonas Brothers.

2- The Civil War, according to Sarah Palin, was fought over manners.

3- Sarah Palin told a group of third graders that the Cold War was fought between Tylenol and Advil.

4- Sarah Palin doesn't believe that waterboarding constitutues "torture" because she thinks it's the technical name for surfing.

5- Sarah Palin thinks the Bush Doctrine was a guide for lesbians.

6- Sarah Palin told Glenn Beck that Alexander Hamilton was a "great place to invest your money."

7- Sarah Palin was disappointed when she showed up at the Ritz Hotel and it wasn't made of crackers.

8- Before the VP debates, Steve Schmidt wanted to have Sarah Palin change her shirt because it was "too loud" for TV. She said she couldn't hear it at all.

9- When Sarah Palin hears someone yell, "Duck!!", she pulls out a gun.

10- Sarah Palin thinks Amnesty International is a phone card company.

11- Sarah Palin wouldn't allow her daughter Bristol to open an account with Bank of America because, "it was one of the banks that Obama nationalized."

12- Sarah Palin thinks the Red Cross is a pagan religious symbol.

13- During the 2008 campaign, Sarah Palin agreed with an audience member that then candidate Obama was a "terrorist" because, "after all, even he says he's an agent of C.H.A.N.G.E."

14- Sarah Palin doesn't believe that "Real Americans" live on the coasts because, "they harbor our enemies."

15- Sarah Palin is so passionately in favor of the free market because she thinks there's a 100% discount.

16- Sarah Palin on climate change: "How can we address it if we don't know where it lives?"

17- Sarah Palin showed up to an interview with Chris Matthews on his MSNBC show "Hardball" in a Yankees jersey, with a bat and glove.

18- Sarah Palin opposes the "public option" because, "the option only works in college."

19- Sarah Palin feels that the Minority Whip in Congress should have went away with the passage of the Civil Rights Act.

20- Sarah Palin thought the Lincoln Memorial was a BCS bowl game.

21- Sarah Palin favors the Democrats using reconciliation for Health Care Reform because she thinks they need to apologize to God for pushing the public option.

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