The GOP can't be negotiated with in budget talks. Think I'm wrong? Consider this sample platter of the GOP agenda offered during the last round of talks in 2013:
1. Repeal ACA.
-The CBO projects a reduction of $109 billion from the federal deficit as a result of ACA over the next decade. In addition, Jonathan Gruber has estimated an additional savings of $190 billion from lower than expected premiums over the same time period. That's a grand total of $299 billion saved, or $299 billion added to the deficit, if the bill was repealed.
2. Loosen regulations for oil/gas exploration and sign off on Keystone Pipeline.
-The World Bank released a report detailing how the costs from extreme weather events have swollen to $200 billion per year worldwide. The IPCC is as certain humans are causing climate change as doctors are that tobacco causes cancer. Opening up public land for energy development that contributes to this environmental death spiral would be irresponsible, morally and fiscally. It wouldn't even create enough jobs to justify the damage. A State Department report says approving the Keystone Pipeline would create 42,000 jobs, while another private estimate puts that figure at 67,000. Bottom line: we would add to the deficit in order to reward a small number of people within an already highly profitable industry that receives yearly subsidies totaling more than four billion. Not a good idea. Next.
3. Defund/hack/decimate the EPA
-An OMB report from last year stated that the benefits from EPA regulations in '12 totaled more than $40 billion, or double its budget for that fiscal year. These savings mostly came from lower mortality rates, improvements in health, etc. The GOP believes that this sort of intrusion into the everyday lives of Americans is a threat to the very definition of freedom. So, if you're following along at home, the equation is: billions saved + more babies alive than dead = socialism looking to wreck the American standard of living.
4. Shutdown the CFPB
-In '12, the budget for the CFPB was $343 million. As of January '13, it had a $44 million surplus. I know the GOP hates budget surpluses, but this is ridiculous. This small government agency protects consumers against gangsters with degrees. Already, American Express, Capital One, and Discovery had to pay out $400 million in fines for malicious, fraudulent sales tactics. Given that it's yearly budget is under $350 million, I'd argue the CFPB is one of the most valuable agencies in our government. Of course, this means the GOP wants to defund it.
That's only the sample platter. The entrees of "tax reform", "tort reform", and repealing/delaying/defunding Dodd-Frank are even worse. The GOP can't possibly be negotiated with because their demands are too destructive. The country would welcome a positive, aggressive, progressive agenda, if one were ever offered to it.
President Obama and Democratic Party members need to spend the next few weeks screening Speaker Boehner's calls while presenting a clear contrast in ideas to the American public.
Go left, or go the fuck home, and let Elizabeth Warren run things.
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